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Behringer 1047 SYSTEM 2500 Multimode Filter/Resonator
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Eurorack clone van het multimode filter 1047 van de ARP 2500 analoge synthesizer.
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Behringer 1047 SYSTEM 2500 Multimode Filter/Resonator

The MULTIMODE FILTER/RESONATOR MODULE 1047 is a classic voltage controlled 12 dB per octave state variable filter, the filter is a matched transistor design for a vintage sound. The 1047 filter is equipped with a coarse and fine filter frequency controls, a resonance (Q) control which acts on all 4 filter outputs, a resonance limit switch prevents signal overload when high levels of resonance are used, the notch frequency/fc control allows the notch frequency to be adjusted up or down from fc as set by the frequency controls, 2 summed frequency CV attenuators and a resonance (Q) CV attenuator for maximum flexibility, the signal input is also equipped with an attenuator. All this gives you endless possibilities of filter curve shape to create the ultimate sound.

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